1,410 research outputs found

    Foreign direct investment. A bid for progress?

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    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is not a unique explanation for growth and progress, but is one of the more useful indicators of the open opportunities. It reveals preferences of the developed countries’ private sector, while the emerging economies seem to participate in a global bid. That bid is for capital, for the technology and know-how normally associated to investments, and for the final award, progress and development. Besides policies, politics and initial conditions, the economy matters. An estimation of economic determinants to FDI is done, and to take into account best relative results, an econometric frontier is calculated in order to determine how do the more efficient in attracting FDI. Some new perspective is added to conventional wisdom: there are countries, which are in some sense “more efficient producers” of FDI. The efficient frontier approach could shed some light of the link from sowing to reaping. Some shocking results were attained, when we tried to ask the question “Which are the best harvesters?” The more “sexiest” countries are not the more efficient producers of FDI in our ranking.Foreign Direct Investment, efficiency frontiers, growth

    Performance evaluation of interference cancellation techniques using adaptive antennas

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    Two array-based algorithms, which jointly exploit or compensate for the spatial and temporal characteristics of the propagation channel, are proposed for intercell interference suppression in UMTS scenarios. The first one is the array extension of the Viterbi algorithm and is referred to as Vector Viterbi algorithm (VVA). The second algorithm, known as filtered training sequence multisensor receiver (FTS-MR), belongs to a class of algorithms in which a narrowband beamformer is placed prior to the MLSE detector. In order to assess performance of the proposed schemes, a set of link-level computer simulations adopting FRAMES' proposal for UMTS air-interface as well as realistic channel models for third generation communication systems is provided, Simulation results reveal gains, in terms of C/I, of 7-10 dB for the VVA with respect to the conventional VA and even higher for the FTS-MR.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Array joint detection for C/TDMA systems in UMTS environments

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    Two array-based schemes for intracell and intercell interference suppression are proposed. In both cases, the spatial and temporal characteristics of the propagation are jointly exploited by placing a narrowband beamformer prior to the corresponding data detection stage. In the first approach, the filtered training sequence joint detection receiver (FTS-JDR), the beamformer is devoted to exclusively cancel out intercell interference. This way, intracell users can be jointly detected in a MMSE detection block. In contrast, the second algorithm, known as the filtered training sequence multisensor receiver (FTS-MR), aims to attenuate all the interferers in the beamforming stage which allows the user of interest to be detected following a MLSE strategy. In order to assess the performance of the proposed schemes, a set of link-level computer simulations adopting FRAMES' proposal for UMTS air-interface as well as realistic channel models for third generation communication systems is provided. Simulation results indicate that lower BERs can be obtained by concentrating interference cancellation tasks in the beamforming block.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Application of hidden markov models to blind channel estimation and data detection in a gsm environment

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm based on the Hidden Markov Models (HMM) theory to solve the problem of blind channel estimation and sequence detection in mobile digital communications. The environment in which the algorithm is tested is the Paneuropean Mobile Radio System, also known as GSM. In this system, a large part in each burst is devoted to allocate a training sequence used to obtain a channel estimate. The algorithm presented would not require this sequence, and that would imply an increase of the system capacity. Performance, evaluated for standard test channels, is close to that of non-blind algorithms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Blind multiuser detection using hidden markov models theory

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    We present an adaptive algorithm based on the theory of hidden Markov models (HMM) which is capable of jointly detecting the users in a DS-CDMA system. The proposed technique is near-far resistant and completely blind in the sense that no knowledge of the signature sequences, channel state information or training sequences is required for any user. In addition to this, an estimate of the signature of each user convolved with its physical channel impulse response (CIR), and an estimate of the background noise variance are provided once convergence is achieved (as well as estimated data sequences). At this moment, and using that CIR estimate, we can switch to any decision-directed (DD) adaptation scheme.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A probabilistic method for blind multiuser detection using array observations

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    In this paper, a blind algorithm for detecting active users in a DS-CDMA system is presented. This probabilistic algorithm relies on the theory of hidden Markov models (HMM) and is completely blind in the sense that no knowledge of the signature sequences, channel state information or training sequences is required for any user. Additionally, observation through an array of sensors is also considered. Performance is verified via computer simulations, showing the near-far resistance of the analyzed procedure.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Negativismo mediático y campaña electoral en las Elecciones Generales de 2008

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    Este trabajo pretende entender el modo de actuar de la prensa de referencia española en el contexto de unas elecciones muy concretas: Las Elecciones Generales de 2008. Para ello, hemos analizado la cobertura de parte de la prensa de referencia (El País, El Mundo y Abc) para comprobar si la selección de temas (agenda setting) y su encuadre (framing) tuvo una intención política y estratégica, además de meramente informativa. La prensa dispone, por lo menos, de dos opciones en el contexto de unas elecciones: presentar a sus lectores una cobertura más bien neutral o, por el contrario, teñirla de un claro partidismo. Nuestros datos indican que ha sido esta última la opción mayoritaria, tomando, además, la vía del ataque al adversario

    Poblamiento y patrones de asentamiento de la alta montaña en el Pirineo central durante el Holoceno antiguo y medio (11 - 4 ka cal BP) : Un enfoque arqueológico y paleoambiental

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 12. Demographic processes and cultural change : archaeological perspectives.Durante los últimos 10 años se han llevado a cabo una serie de investigaciones arqueológicas y paleoecológicas en el área del Parque Nacional d'Aigüestortes i l'Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM) y del Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu, que se sitúan en la región axial del Pirineo central. Gracias a éstas, más de 200 yacimientos arqueológicos han sido documentados, obteniéndose 25 dataciones radiocarbónicas prehistóricas. Además, han sido analizadas 4 columnas sedimentarias procedentes de lagos y turberas. Ambos registros indican una ocupación continuada de las áreas de alta montaña, entre 7600 y 4200 años cal BP, sugiriendo que el patrón de asentamiento y de explotación del territorio habría ido cambiando a lo largo del tiempo. Así mismo, se documenta un incremento de la presencia humana entre 5400 y 4400 cal BP, al final del cual, las cuevas y abrigos son abandonados. Este fenómeno podría explicarse como parte de una nueva dinámica económica y social, que pudo verse también influenciada, en parte, por el cambio de las condiciones climáticas en la zona.During the last ten years archaeological and palaeoecological research has been carried out in the area of the Aigüestortes National Park and Sant Maurici Lake (PNAESM) and Natural Park of the High Pyrenees(PNAP), which are located in the central part of the Pyrenees. Thanks to this effort, more than 200 archaeological sites have been documented and 25 prehistoric radiocarbon dates have been obtained. Also, some sedimentary cores from lakes and peat bogs have been analysed, that gave the possibility to understand the full Holocene climatic record of the study area. Both approaches indicate a continuous occupation of higher parts of the mountains between 7600 and 4200 years cal BC, and suggest that settlements and exploitations patterns of the territory have been changing over time. An increase in the human presence between 5400 and 4400 cal BC has been detected, with an abandonment of caves and rock shelters at the end of period. This phenomenon could be explicated in the face of a new social and economic dynamic, partially resulting from a change in the climatic conditions of the area.Al llarg del últims 10 anys s'han portat a terme una sèrie de recerques arqueològiques i paleoecològiques al territori del Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i l'Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM) i del Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu (PNAP), que se situen a la regió axial del Pirineu Central. Gràcies a les quals més de 200 jaciments arqueològics van ser documentats, havent-se obtingut 25 datacions radiocarbòniques prehistòriques. A més, van ser analitzades vàries columnes sedimentàries procedents de llacs i torberes. Ambdós registres indiquen una ocupació continuada de les àrees d'alta muntanya, entre 7600 y 4200 anys cal BP, suggerint que el patró d'assentament i d'explotació del territori hauria anat canviant al llarg del temps. Tanmateix, es documenta un increment de la presència humana entre 5400 i 4400 cal BP, al final del com, les coves i abrics són abandonats. Aquest fenomen podria explicar-se com a part d'una nova dinàmica econòmica i social, que va poder veure's influïda, en part, pel canvi de les condicions climàtiques a la zona

    La circulación social de los encuadres periodísticos en tiempo de campaña electoral: Transmisión, influencia y atribución de responsabilidad

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    En los sistemas democráticos actuales, la intervención de los medios de comunicación es fundamental para entender la relación que existe entre el discurso político y la rercepción que tienen los ciudadanos de éste. En las páginas que siguen presentamos un estudio en el que examinamos la evolución de diferentes temas de la agenda pública española a lo largo de la legislatura 2004-2008, el encuadre que ha construido la prensa de referencia sobre ellos y su posible permeabilidad en el discurso ciudadano. Para ello, hemos identificado y reconstruido los encuadres (frames) de varios temas clave de la campaña electoral de 2008 en El País, El Mundo y ABC y hemos llevado a cabo un seguimiento de su evolución a través del discurso de un grupo de votantes cercanos al centro del espectro ideológico